LIAG-Seminar: Insight into the structural characteristics of the Osning Faut System and its geological evolution based on high-resolution reflection seismic and geological modelling
Sonja Wadas & Julia Rudmann: Insight into the structural characteristics of the Osning Faut System and its geological evolution based on high-resolution reflection seismic and geological modelling
Neotectonic movements on faults can pose a major hazard, and are scientifically and socially relevant, especially for seismic hazard assessment and subsurface utilization. In northern Germany little is known about neotectonic processes and the associated structures, despite proven neotectonic activity, because many faults are hidden beneath sediments. To improve this knowledge and to get a better insight into the evolution and the deep and shallow tectonic structures, and thus the fault geometry and kinematics, we investigarted the Osning Fault System by a combined geophysical and geological approach, integrating high-resolution P- and SH-wave reflection seismics and geological modelling/retrodeformation of previously-published geological cross-sections.
24. Jun. 202511:00 - 12:00
Geozentrum HannoverGroßer Sitzungssaal
Stilleweg 2
30655 Hannover