Die GRAduiertenschule der NATurwissenschaftlichen Fakultät
Graduiertenkolleg SocialCars
Kooperatives (de)zentrales Verkehrsmanagement
Graduiertenkolleg i.c.sens
Integrität und Kollaboration in dynamischen Sensornetzen
Leibniz Universität Hannover
Exzellenzcluster QUEST
internationales Trainingsprogramm für Nachwuchswissenschaftler
An important goal of the research centre is the active promotion of young scientists, for whom an attractive and inspiring environment is created. The strong networking of teaching leads to interactions between students from the various degree programmes of the institutes involved in the FZ:GEO. This enables students to acquire basic knowledge and methods from the other departments. The close cooperation with the GEOZENTRUM also enables students to be involved in research projects at an early stage in the form of student jobs, internships and final theses.
The establishment of the new S-Professorships in cooperation with LIAG (seismics, geoelectrics and management) and one with the GFZ (radar remote sensing) has also significantly expanded the geoscientific spectrum in terms of teaching at LUH.
Doctoral students and postdocs also benefit from the establishment of the research centre, the structured training and the cooperation with external partners at the Hannover site. Excursions to potential employers are regularly organised for young scientists.