FZ:GEO assembly in Goslar

Gruppenbild der Teilnehmer der FZ:GEO Klausurtagung in Goslar. Gruppenbild der Teilnehmer der FZ:GEO Klausurtagung in Goslar. Gruppenbild der Teilnehmer der FZ:GEO Klausurtagung in Goslar.
© Annike Knabe
Gruppenbild der Teilnehmer der FZ:GEO Klausurtagung in Goslar.

The meeting of the FZ:GEO research centre took place in Goslar from 31.01.–01.02.2025. The 26 participants from Leibniz Universität Hannover, the Leibniz Institute for Applied Geophysics (LIAG) and the Federal Institute for Geosciences and Natural Resources (BGR) used the two days for a lively exchange and intensive discussions. Firstly, all participants presented current research projects and ideas for future research projects in a short presentation. On this basis, small groups then came together to focus on various research topics in order to further develop these ideas and formulate them in collaboration with potential cooperation partners. This further strengthened interdisciplinary research at the Hannover location and consolidated future cooperation between the participants and their respective institutions.