We are happy to invite you to this special FI:GEO event on volcanology. On Thursday, 22nd of June at 4pm, Prof. Dr. Falk Amelung and Dr. David Neave, who are both experts in studying volcanoes, will give two complementary talks.
Prof. Falk Amelung is a Geophysicist at University of Miami and a visiting scientist at GFZ Potsdam at the moment. His talk will be about “Watching volcanoes change their shapes with Satellite Radar Interferometry”.
Dr. David Neave is a Petrologist and Humboldt Research Fellow at the Department of Mineralogy (LUH). His talk is titled "Magma storage and mobilisation before Icelandic rift zone eruptions"
V105, Schneiderberg 50, (Seminar room of the Department of Photogrammetry and GeoInformation(IPI))